Satch Hoyt on the Afro Sonic Signifier and Berlin as a Cultural Mecca

Credit: Trevor Lloyd Morgan

On Tuesday Satch Hoyts exhibition Verwobene Klänge – Von rasenden Himmelsschiffen und dem Erforschen versetzter Geschichten opens at Galerie Wedding. We asked the artist what to expect from his “Afro Sonic Signifie” and what the visitor needs to get the full sonic excursion.

1. You are born in London, have african- jamaican roots, and are currently living and working in Berlin-Wedding, where your first solo exhibition takes place. Why did you choose Berlin, in particular “Wedding”, as your creative place, and in which ways does Berlin influence your work.
Berlin is a cultural mecca and an extremely relaxed and cost effective European base as a Capital city it has a congenial mellow pulse which allows a creative person time to reflect research and deliberate before embarking on the production of ones work. I am particularly attracted to living and working in Wedding because it is a multi-culti grass roots hub it’s not full of hipsters though I must say they are slowly infiltrating the neighbourhood.

2. Before you dedicated yourself to fine arts, you worked as a musician and composer. Music still plays a big role in your artwork. What is the special connection between the visual and auditive effect of your installations?
I tend to mine and investigate the sonicity of life and especially that what I term as the “Afro Sonic Signifier”, I am particularly entranced by the chromatic interplay in the dualitys of our daily existence but equally entranced by our historys and often how these narratives have been distorted, every millisecond is accompanied by a sonic text. I archive, collect, gather and score these soundbites then juxtapose them with sculptural objects and multi sensory installations, though I must emphasise that what I term as my “Sonic Text” is usually orchestrated after the execution of my sculptures or installations.

3. The exhibition title Verwobene Klänge – Von rasenden Himmelsschiffen und dem Erforschen versetzter Geschichten sounds like an adventure trip or expedition through a strange world and culture. What can the visitor explore and experience? Do you have any advice for the visitors, what to pack in their mental backpack?
This particular exhibition invites the viewer to participate in an audio visual sonic excursion mapped out in a plethora of materials and supports. The works range from a three screen video projection to a work made from 1,250 drumsticks to a burnt guitar.

Verwobene Klänge – Von rasenden Himmelsschiffen und dem Erforschen versetzter Geschichten
kuratiert von Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung und Solvej Helweg Ovesen

11.02.15 – 04.04.15

Eröffnung am 10.02.15 um 19 Uhr
mit einer Performance von Satch Hoyt, »Hair Combing Cycle #14«

Galerie Wedding – Raum für zeitgenössische Kunst
Müllerstraße 146 – 147
13353 Berlin

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